Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pound Puppy

One year ago today we went and rescued Bailey from the pound. This is a picture from that first week after we got her.

We're not really sure how old she is, since she was picked up as a stray. She was likely abused & abandoned and when we first brought her home her behavior showed this, especially when we'd pick up a broom or vacuum. She trusted me more than Jay at first and to this day still is more scared of men than women or kids at first. However, she has come such a long ways from a year ago and is now just as high maintenance and spoiled as Jerz. We are happy that we have been able to give her a good home & a new life.

We've also managed to fatten her up in a year, as the following pictures show. She was a little squirt when we first got her but now she's more like a little tank. We went to the vet on Wednesday and apparently she's gained 6 pounds in one year. Ooops!

Bailey with her namesake's football jersey (Champ Bailey of the Denver Broncos). And yes, we realize it's a "Bailey Jersey"!

Bailey doing what she does best - relaxin!

It's a quiet Saturday night at the Gerving household. We both had to go into work today so we're going to just relax for the evening. We'll probably watch some World Series action and college football.

Other than that, not much happening! Have a great week!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Busy Weekend!

We headed off to Dickinson this weekend for Jay's cousin Cordell's wedding. But not before I got to spend some time Friday evening with a few good (make that great) friends. Val, Missy, Andrea and I (and Morgan via a printed off picture of her) met at our favorite meeting place (Ground Round) and made it just in time for the free food! We chatted for hours and Andrea had all sorts of pictures of her grandson. It was really nice - it seems harder & harder to get together with friends as we get more & more involved in family lives & careers. I'm glad we met & I had a lot of fun!

Me & Val - All Smiles

Missy (Morgan) and Andrea

Next up was the wedding on Saturday. We did manage to make it in time to see the end of the NDSU/Minnesota football game with Lyns & Nick before the wedding began. Since I'm usually all about UND, you probably won't catch me saying this much but I'm glad NDSU won. Any team that beats the Gophers, you know...

The wedding was really nice & the entire Gerving clan was there in full force. Below are some pictures from the reception/dance.

First up is Nick who easily won "best dancer" of the evening giving us all a dancing lesson. He obviously was the center of attention!

Pic of Jay & me - he looks so happy!

The "sisters" out on the dance floor!! Hmmm..we seem to be missing Julie. I think at the time she was with the kids...We'll have to photoshop her in there!

The bride & groom - Kelcie & Cordell - dancing with kids!!

Some pictures of some of the kiddos...

Michaela & Taylor
Jay, Mason & Nick (yes we'll include Jay & Nick with the "kids")

McKenzie thoroughly enjoying her salad


And Sydney
We did manage to get some house and yard work done today. Right now we are winding down the weekend by watching the Broncos take on the Steelers. (By the way it was pretty cool when they did the player introductions at the beginning of the game to hear "Chris Kuper" - University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux"!!) It's halftime and Broncos are up 21-7!! It's looking to be another hectic work week for us. But for now we'll just enjoy the football game!!

Go Broncos!
Carrie and I talked about setting up a Gerving family (and extended family) type hopefully we'll get that going soon!

Have a great week everyone!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

5 Years!

Well today is officially Jersey's 5th birthday! Jay & I hadn't even been dating a year when we decided to "take the plunge" and get a puppy together. We decided on a beagle because, well, I love beagles and had one growing up. Chris sent us a link for beagle puppies on The puppies were at a farm near Upham, ND (NE of Minot). So, off I went when Jerz was two weeks old to pick her out of the litter. We went and got her the night before Thanksgiving that year. We've gotten our money's worth and then some over the years with Jerz!

There really isn't anything else new going on as of right now...We're doing well though and keeping busy with work and other things. We're looking forward to Jay's cousin's wedding this weekend - should be a great time!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Getting through October...

Jay made the comment the other day that we need to get me through the month of October without "collecting" another beagle. As you know, we have two beagles, Jersey & Bailey and apparently the only two Octobers I've been living in Bismarck since Jay & I have been together I have "collected" a beagle. I'll try not to this month...we are enjoying the two we have for now!! I'm a sucker for them though!