Today we went in for an appointment where we got to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was a good strong heartbeat in the 150s! We also found out we're apparently having a little wiggle-worm, as we could hear the baby moving around a lot as well. So, that must explain why I've been so exhausted - the little wiggle-worm is using up all my energy!! (On a side note, I need to make a correction from my preiovus post - my bedtime isn't really 9:00 or 9:30 it's more like 8:00!) Other than that, everything else checked out good and no complications - so far so good! (We're around 12 weeks along at this point).
Today is also our friend Raumi's birthday! So happy birthday wishes go out to her today!
The last couple weeks have been interesting to say the least. We were able to spend Thanksgiving Day in Glen Ullin which was a lot of fun! I even gave Lexie a new nickname to call her Auntie Lyndsey - oops! Guess she's at the age where she catches onto and repeats what us adults say! :) It was a cute nickname...will have to ask Lyndsey (or Lexie) what it is though...
When we got back to pick up the dogs at my parents' house on Thansgiving evening though things started to not go so well for us. My parents had noticed that Jerz was not herself - wouldn't jump up on them or any furniture as she usually does and then she had started shaking shortly before we got there. Long story short, I took Jerz to the vet the following morning and he diagnosed her with a slipped disc in her back. She had to get a shot for pain along with pain meds for us to give her for a couple weeks and orders for us to keep her from jumping onto or off of anything and to basically keep her from doing much of anything. Easier said than done. She is somewhat self-limiting in that she won't jump up onto things but she is becoming more daring. Our biggest concern is that if dogs re-injure or injure it worse, sometimes it causes paralysis, etc. So, we've been babying her (even more than usual) and she seems to be improving. She still shows some signs of pain form time to time but moves around well for the most part.
We also had a little unwanted house guest starting Thursday evening - a mouse in our house!! Yuck! Jay first heard him inside the walls on Thursday and then Friday morning (at about 5 am after he let the dogs out) the mouse scurried out of the pantry and into a hole that leads to underneath our cupboards, where it stayed until the following morning. So, bright and early Friday morning, there were Jay and I, going through everything in the pantry to wash or throw away!! Jay did get some Black Friday shopping in - he was at Tractor Supply Co. to get the sticky mouse traps at about 7:00am that morning! By Saturday morning, the mouse returned to the pantry and got caught in a trap. We hope that is all the mice we end up having in the house! We are now more prepared with mouse traps downstairs and in the pantry!
The rest of the weekend, one of us basically had to stay home with Jerz (except for the couple of hours on Friday evening when we went to my parents' house for the Thanksgiving dinner with them. I missed out on going to Ryan and Raumi's house on Saturday evening unfortunately, but had to stay home to make sure Jerz would not do anything to hurt herself!
Other than the holiday weekend and all the "exitement" that went with it, it's been mostly just work and the usual for us. The last big push at work before Christmas is upon us!
It's such a relief to know that the baby's heartbeat is strong and that he/she is doing well - we feel very blessed! No better Christmas present that we could ever ask for!! :)
Have a great rest of the week and weekend everyone!
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