Well, in the midst of everything that's been going on this week with weather and flooding, everything going on in our lives seems kind of insignificant...but I will just post about some highlights...
Had another appointment on Thursday this week. The main purpose of that visit (besides a regular checkup) was to test my blood glucose levels to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. They said they would only call if the test came back abnormal. So far, no call. I consider that a good sign. Baby's heartrate was 142, which is good. And, he continues to grow & grow!!
This weekend marks 29 weeks gestation. Almost 3/4 of the way done!! The baby really moves around a lot and, much to our amusement, you can see a lot of movement from the outside. (As I type this, he is squirming around again!) Jay even saw a couple kicks from across the room the other night! From what I've read, the baby is probably about 2.5-3 lbs in weight and about 14-15 inches in length (head to toe) by this point. I continue to sail along with very little discomfort, so no complaints here!
I have managed to get us registered for baby stuff and let me tell you, it is a bit intimidating for a first-time mom-to-be! With some help, I think we got most everything covered! The baby's room is also cleared out, ready for furniture and the other numerous things that will go in there!
We went over to our friends Mike & Kari's for supper and to visit the other night, where we met their 2.5 month old daughter, Layken, for the first time. She is such a happy, smiley baby! I could have held her all night! Gave me more baby fever than ever!
On Wednesday, it was our sister-in-law Julie's birthday and today is Lexi's birthday. We will be going to their house tomorrow for Lexi's birthday party...
Other than that, work has slowed down somewhat for me (settled a divorce that was supposed to go to trial last Thursday-Friday) but am still busy with some other cases. Jay's work has picked up - literally and figuratively. He's been working hard on some projects and their office was in the middle of an area that was threatened by the flood this week, so they had to dismantle the office to make sure nothing got destroyed in the event the flooding got worse.
It seems as though Bismarck has gone through the worst of it by now and the Missouri River level has lowered since Wednesday. People are returning to their homes. We can be thankful for that. Fargo, on the other hand, is starting to face the worst of things to come there as of today. Not good! Meanwhile, winter storms have rolled through and are predicted to roll through again starting possibly on Sunday...we can only hope and pray they miss us (and the eastern portio of the state). We also keep the people of Fargo/Morehead and surrounding communities (and any ND community that has been hit by flooding this week) in our thoughts and prayers!!
Anyway, one more topic before I sign off...My nights are getting really interesting even before the baby arrives! Jay went on his second expedition sleepwalking since we moved into the house (actually about the 2nd time in the past month or so) last week. This time he decided to take off down the stairs and wasn't 100% successful in getting down them gracefully - let's just put it that way. The other time he went in the laundry room for the purpose of doing something that shouldn't be done in the laundry room - let's just put it that way! (Don't worry, I was able to stop him in time). Then, as of last night, Bailey started falling off the bed - she did it twice - once in the evening and once in the middle of the night. What a clutz!! At this rate, the baby crying will be the least of my worries at night! ;)
That's about all - we hope that you all enjoy the weekend - we will try to! To all of those working and living in Fargo & the other communities - we wish you the best of luck in your fight against the flood!
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