Saturday, May 16, 2009

Still Kickin'...and Elbowin'...

This baby likes to MOVE - kicks, elbows and who knows what else! He really moved a lot on Wednesday when we had the crazy rain/snow storm! (Yes there was some snow - how depressing - but it happily melted right away!) This weekend marks 36 weeks of pregnancy with this little (ok, doesn't feel so "little" anymore) guy. As far as we can tell, everything is going well, which is all we can ask for. Right now he probably weighs in at 5.5-6 lbs or so. It's starting to really sink in that the due date is fast approaching! We can't wait to meet him!!

Baby is on the brain because we spent last night and most of the day today in the Birth Prep/Lamaze class at the hospital. It was informative and a bit frightening at the same time! We learned that the baby LOVES the deep breathing exercises - he went crazy moving around when I'd do that. Jay also came up with a list of what NOT to say to/ask me during labor & delivery which included things like watching Sportscenter and wondering how his Farm Town Game is going (it's our latest obsession). He also decided it wouldn't be the best idea to complain if he feet get sore ;) As you can tell, we're trying to keep a good sense of humor about this!

We think Jerz is starting to sense the baby - she likes to cuddle and lay by my belly a lot more (usually she's more of Jay's buddy) and she even gave my belly puppy kisses last weekend!!

We haven't been up to much of anything out of the ordinary lately. Softball started this week - Jay's team got in about one and a half games on Tuesday before getting rained out. I went to watch my team play Thursday and they split. It's the first time in 13 years I haven't been playing to start the season with this team (yes, I've been on the same team since I graduated from high school) - so that was a little difficult to just watch and not play.

Last weekend Jay helped friends move into their house and my dad came out to help me get started on planting the garden and the strawberry bed (we planted around 50-60 strawberry plants that a co-worker of mine had given to me) on Saturday. Last Sunday was Mother's Day and we went to church, went out to brunch with my parents and my grandma and then went to GU to spend some time with Jay's mom too. It was a nice day. When we came back we stopped at Lowes to get my Mother's Day gift (I qualify as a Mom this year!) which is a little garden wagon for me to use with my new hobby...I put it to use that evening and planted a few more rows in the garden. I plan on planting few more rows in the garden and then a couple smaller beds for some odds and ends and then my gardening endeavor for the year will be officially underway!

Jay has been working hard to get everything going to get a lawn in this year. As you can see from the previous post - he's quite proud of his new tractor. He has been working hard picking up rocks in the yard and just sprayed the weeds tonight. Next week we'll get some black dirt in and a co-worker of Jay's is going to help with working the soil and getting it seeded. We're excited to have a yard and garden of our own!!

I'm hoping to get some more things put up in the baby's nursery tomorrow and hopefully will remember to take and post some pictures of it!

We're going to take it easy the rest of the evening and hopefully get to relax a little tomorrow too. We've been spending our weekends running around and working a lot on things - which is good - but we always try to enjoy some R&R whenever possible...

Have a great rest of the weekend and week!!

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