Hey there - this is Maddux taking over blogging duties since Mommy doens't seem to find the time to update this blog enough!!
The last couple of weeks have been busy for me! For one thing, I am growing leaps and bounds! As of my 6 week appointment on Wednesday (July 29) I was 24 1/4" long and weighed in at 13 lbs 6 oz! This means I grew 4 inches and put on almost 6 lbs in 6 weeks!
When I was not busy just growing, this is what else I have been up to the past couple weeks:
(The pictures got loaded in backwards order - forgive me, I'm a rookie at this - haha!!)
I snuggled with my big sister Jerz:

This is me right before my 6 week Well Baby Clinic checkup, just hanging in my crib, looking like a handsome little man:

Snuggled with Papa Ron with my butt up in the air :)

I took my first road trip on Sunday, July 26th - Mommy and Daddy took me to Glen Ullin. This is me with my Auntie Lyndsey (aka Auntie Looney) at the nursing home in GU:

And with Auntie Carrie and cousins Michaela (it was her b-day that day), McKenzie and Mason:

Here I am meeting Great Gramma Schaff - with Uncle Nick and cousins Mason and Kenzie nearby:

Here I am with Gramma Sandy during my first visit to her and Papa Mike's house in GU:

I've also learned to like my swing - sometimes I even take a nap in it:

Here I am at 5 weeks:

I was baptized at St. Mary's Catholic Church on Sunday, July 19th. Here are some pictures from that day:
With Papa Ron and Gramma Joyce after the baptism:
The baptism stole that Janell Hellman made for me:
Taking a nap after the baptism - it was hard work!!
The baptism cake for the after party - sorry about the sideways picture!
With my godparents Val and Tom, Father Nick and Mommy and Daddy after the baptism:

Getting dunked at the baptism!
With my parents and Godparents during the baptism ceremony:

Other than that, I have really started "talking" (aka cooing) all the time. I love to lay in a crib, in the pack 'n play, or anywhere and wiggle my arms and legs. I am sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches at night and am taking the usual cat naps during the day, unless I get in a car - then I take longer naps. Mommy takes me on walks and jogs with her - sometimes we take the beagles with us too!

Getting dunked at the baptism!

Other than that, I have really started "talking" (aka cooing) all the time. I love to lay in a crib, in the pack 'n play, or anywhere and wiggle my arms and legs. I am sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches at night and am taking the usual cat naps during the day, unless I get in a car - then I take longer naps. Mommy takes me on walks and jogs with her - sometimes we take the beagles with us too!
I got to visit Great Gramma Vivian's place yesterday for the first time. Gramma Joyce had taken the whole day off to spend with me and Mommy - so we went to lunch, went to Gramma Great's place and just spent some time together at home!
This was Mommy's last week of maternity leave which means I start daycare on Monday. I'm not sure what that will be like, but I'm pretty sure I'll handle it better than Mommy will - I think she's going to be sad not to be able to spend all day everyday with me anymore!!
I am so busy being a baby but I will try to update this blog as often as possible.
I am so busy being a baby but I will try to update this blog as often as possible.
Hope everyone has a good weekend - I will be busy cheering on Mommy and Daddy's softball teams - they both play in State tournaments this weekend!
Maddux John