Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Team BLUE!

Here are pictures from our ultrasound today. We are having a boy!
I think he's trying really hard to give a thumb's up to us but his little hand got stuck. In the two previous ultrasounds he had his hand/thumb up as well. He gets this from Daddy! We ran across a baby picture of Jay the other day where he's sitting with a thumb's up too! :)
Legs & Feet

His little face. He decided to cooperate and look at us this time instead of hiding his face!
We are just over 20 weeks along - or about halfway through. I have started to feel the baby moving more lately. If you've seen me lately I'm starting to look a little more "poofy" as my mother so lovingly puts it! ;) Jay likes to call my stomach my "boiler" - he's so hilarious!

Have a great week everyone!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

At least it's not 44 degrees below anymore...

So...famous last words on Friday were that Jay and I didn't have anything planned for the weekend - we were looking forward to catching up on some shows we had DVR'd, doing a few things around the house, going to church/out to eat and enjoying the milder weather.
So much for that!
While the weather is indeed milder temperature-wise the winds have been blowing like crazy since later last evening. When we woke up this morning, it was apparent we weren't going anywhere for awhile! (We could have a new idea for those Snickers commercials). We really should have taken pictures prior to Jay's marathon snowblowing effort (approximately 4 and a half hours). It's hard to explain but the whole driveway was filled in and not only that but also our street.
Here are some pictures post-snowblowing (and also after some of our kind neighbors helped out with their Bobcats to dig out at least enough for us to get out of the end of the driveway with a vehicle):
Looking from our garage north. About as high as those snow piles are at the end of the driveway was how deep the snow had blown in.

Looking at our house from the street:

Looking west down our street. As you can see, the guys with the Bobcats dug out at least enough for vehicles to pass. This was filled in all the way across this morning.

Same story, but looking east:
That big drift basically extended out all the way across the driveway.

Closer up photo. The new stuff blew in while Jay was snowblowing further out in the driveway:
Jay worked his tail off and again we're grateful that our new neighbors stepped up for us again and helped with their Bobcats. They are also to be thanked for going around the neighborhood to plow out at least enough snow so that vehicles could get in and out of the subdivision.
The winds are supposed to continue until about 6:00am tomorrow so Jay went back out this evening for an hour or so and is currently trying to get rid of a bit more snow so it doesn't pile up so high again.
So I didn't feel completely useless, I decided to clean while Jay was outside and also kept the dogs from going absolutely bonkers.
We did manage to make it out of the house to go to church and to Space Aliens for supper. Once we got back, Jay bit the bullet and as I mentioned is out snowblowing for awhile again tonight to minimize the damage as much as possible tonight so he doesn't have to spend as much time tomorrow...hopefully!
Other than that, the beagles are snoozing away (today was exhausting for them apparently). Baby is still growing and I still think I'm feeling some little flutters of movements. This morning I felt a couple pretty distinctive little taps a little below my belly button. We're at 19 weeks now. Almost halfway there!
Tomorrow hopefully the wind will die down and we will actually get to enjoy the milder temps! Starting to think we're still going to have snow by the time the baby arrives in June at this rate!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby Update

We had an appointment yesterday for the baby and all seems to be going well! The heartrate was at 140 and it was strong & steady! Not as much movement by the baby this time - so he/she must have been taking a nap! (It was mid-afternoon, don't we all want to take naps at that time?)

The baby is about 6 inches long now and weighs a little over 5 oz - approximately the size of a can of soup! I'm still waiting to feel some movement (doctor said anywhere between 18-22 weeks is usually when you feel the first movement). I swear I've felt a little flutter or two and think that I saw something move this morning but by the time I realized it, it was over. Oh well, it's defintely got my attention now!!

Our next appointment is 3 weeks from today where we get THE ultrasound. We still aren't 100% sure if we're going to find out if the baby is a boy or girl yet but if we do, it would be in 3 weeks! Either way, it will be fun to get to see the baby again!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Begins

So another year has begun and not a whole lot has changed since 2008 - especially the weather! Jay continues to snowblow our driveway several times a week - even a couple times a day sometimes. Maybe we should have rethought the whole 100 foot driveway thing...
We spent New Year's Eve in Glen Ullin which was a good time. I even stayed up until 12:45am - a new record for me since being pregnant! I did manage to catch a nice long afternoon nap on New Year's Day to help make up for lost sleep though!
Other events of the past week or so include getting things hung up on our walls at the house, going through some more boxes, me and my mom and Aunt Barb going shopping for maternity clothes for me (it's getting to be that time - one of these days I'm going to wake up and my regular clothes aren't going to fit anymore), did I mention Jay snowblowing, football watching, girls' night at Val Gerving's house, softball team reunion with Morgan and some others at the Ground Round, cross-country skiing last weekend, and not much else.
Here are some pictures from the past week:
Guitar Hero on New Years Eve:

The NYE Partygoers:
Our dog Bailey LOVES stuffed toys. While I was putting clothes away the other night, she decided to drag all my Santa Bears out into the living room and hallway (one not pictured was in the hallway). Just made me laugh how it looked like someone blew up a Santa Bear factory in our house when she was done!

Bailey also loves standing on the steps Jay had made for the dogs - especially while riding in the Durango:

More Wii playing from NYE

We also got some b-ball in on NYE:

As Lyndsey said - she let Nick dress himself that day:

Just got done making some lasagna for supper (have to say, I make some pretty dang good lasagna) as Jay finishes up some "touch up" snowblowing so we'll enjoy a late supper and watch some TV to wind up the weekend. Jay goes back to work tomorrow after his long vacation.
We have an appointment tomorrow for a baby checkup - the next one in 3-4 weeks will be another ultrasound. Still debating on whether we will find out if the baby is a boy or girl at that time. We're at about 17 weeks and counting now - almost halfway there!!
Have a great week everyone!!