Ok I have been BAD about updating this blog lately!! My apologies!!
Maddux continues to be busy growing up too fast! His latest milestones include giggling, tring to roll over, spinning around in his crib at night so that his head is on the oppoisite end from where he started, eating rice cereal for the first time and grabbing things purposefully. It's just amazing how they develop so fast!!
Here are some pictures from our lives the last few weeks (in no particular order - I can't figure that out on here how to do them in order). Anyway - enjoy!
Grabbing onto the rings on the bouncer:

Our friends, Mike, Kari and Layken came over and Layken tested Jerz out by pulling on her collar and touching her paws. Jerz did great!!

The boys playing together :)

Silly Maddux!

Maddux and our friends Sara & Doug's baby Sam who was born about 9 weeks after Maddux!

Trying to roll to the left!

Jerz got very interested while I was feeding Maddux rice cereal!

The first rice cereal experiment!

The boys taking a snooze - two peas in a pod!

Trying out the exersaucer & liking it!

More goofball smiles!

More grabbing things!

Tummy time on the Boppy!

Layken & Maddux. Hard to believe Layken is 5+ months older than Maddux!

More tummy time on the Boppy!

More grabbing toys!

All this big boy stuff wears Maddux (and mom and dad) out!

Still lovin' the monkeys!

The beagles getting ready to walk in the Shaggy Shuffle!

Maddux in his new big boy car seat at 3 and a half months old!

Maddux in all his glory...well almost all his glory!

Our handsome boy!

Crazy hair!!
Sorry no great stories to post but not much time!
Have a great week everyone!!