Well our Maddux turns 5 months old tomorrow (cnannot believe how fast that went!) Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks of our busy little man!!
Exhausted after Mommy made him play and exercise!!

What's up?

Our boy with his BIG BLUE eyes!

Looks like he's going to try to take the camera from me!

HI!!! (Yes, I realize there are sweet potato remnants on his face - oh well!)

He decided last night to work on trying to roll over to the left...almost got there, but not quite! Give him another day or so and he'll get it!

Tummy play time!! (This was post blow-out and pre-bath...that's why he's hanging out in just a diaper!!)


BAM BAM!! This is why we won't be able to have nice things until he moves out of the house!!

We tried sweet potatoes this weekend since cereal did not agree with his tummy and this kid wants some SOLID foods!! Went pretty well overall!

Jerz, the mother hen, watching over her little brother again!

More tummy play time!

The Madd Hatter!! :)

This is the day he decided he was going to figure out how to roll over - later that evening he figured it out!

Wreckin' shop at Gramma Sandy's house!

I love this picture! It looks like he's telling Gramma Schaff a great story!

Visiting Great Gramma Schaff in GU:

Entertaining Gramma Sandy!

With his buddies Kaylee and Sam (and Mommy's friends Missy and Sara). Kaylee is 2 and a half months older than him - but Maddux looks like the oldest by far!

Entertaining Sam by blowing bubbles!

Tired out after being at Great Gramma Gerhardt's birthday party...just fell asleep in Papa Ron's arms!

Gramma Great's party:

The Birthday Girl - 87 years young!

Maddux with Great Gramma Gerhardt:

Playing like a big boy!

As you can see, he's a very active, happy boy and we are very grateful for that! He's gotten through his first double ear infection and we continue to try ot figure out what he can eat with solids. Rice cereal caused problems for him so we're trying just regular baby food for now...
He continues to entertain us and seems to learn a new trick every day! We love this phase but really think time flies by too fast. I can't believe he's 5 months old already!
Hope everyone has a great week!!