Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Stacey - A Day Late!! Oops!

I completely forgot to wish my friend Stacey a Happy 30th Birthday yesterday on our blog - oops! You'd think after being friends with her for 24 years or so (since first grade) I would be better! We even used to know the number of days between our birthdays - now that's when you know you are good friends with someone...

Since it was a leap year this year, I was a little jealous that she got an extra day of being in her twenties than I did (since my birthday falls before leap year day). But oh well - now she has joined the rest of us in our 30s. (Val W - you are NEXT!!)

I hope you had a great birthday Stacey & I'll see you tonight!
Stacey & me at my 30th birthday party at the bowling alley. It was such a fun night! :)

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