Monday, July 21, 2008

House Update & Other Random Thoughts...

Well Jay pointed out to me today that it has been awhile since I've posted new pictures of the house updates...mostly that was because it seems as though things are progressing slowly. I was going to wait until they had completely sided/trimmed the house but that would still be a couple weeks out at the rate they are going!!
So, here are some pictures of where they are on our siding:
West side of the house
The garage doors are also in, as well as the concrete portion of our driveway.
Front of the house (all wrapped up). They should be pouring the concrete for the front porch this week. We'll see!
The back of the house (we LOVE the big windows - esp. those three which are in the living room)
SW corner of the house
They are also insulating this week. (Didn't include our pictures of that though). After the siding and insulation, they will begin on the sheetrocking. Our builder gave us a rough estimate of when everything should happen from here on out and it appears things are on schedule if not a little ahead of time from our intial tentative closing date of Oct. 31.
We have been doing our best to make the last decisions for the house - including paint colors, flooring, countertops, appliances, among other things. For the most part, we are doing well. It's amazing how much time you can spend deciding on something as simple as kitchen appliances or cabinet hardware! Oh well it will all be worth it - I'm really excited to see our home completed - it is really starting to sink in that this will be our HOME soon! :)
Other than that, we had had a good weekend. We enjoyed an evening over at Ryan & Raumi's house on Friday for supper and to visit. They will be moving out of that house and into their new house on Aug. 7th! I had to run all my flooring/paint/tile/countertop/decor ideas by Raumi on Friday evening too because she has such a great eye for that! All my choices met her approval so I'm happy about that! She also has some cool ideas for her new house that I can't wait to see!
Saturday night we ended up being on hail damage patrol and unfortunately had to be the bearers of bad news to some people we knew who were out of town and whose houses got hail damage. It was quite a strange storm and only hit certain portions of town and out of town. The good news was that no one's windows got busted but it still is a pain to have to get their homes repaired. We feel for you all! We should have let you know that when people go out of town and we are left in town to watch or check on their houses it often hails - just ask my brother, whose house was hit hard by hail a few years ago while I was in charge of house sitting for him while they were out of town!
I am heading to Fargo on Friday with my mom for a shopping trip and am looking forward to that. I might spend some money on house decor - haha! Can't wait!
Other than that, life is going well for us. The beagles continue to keep us entertained. We are trying to figure out how and when we will get everything ready to move out of the trailer before it gets sold.
Hope everyone has a great week!

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