Well hello again! I know it's a week after Maddux turned 8 months but I've been neglecting the blog a bit lately! Life is busy - wonderful but busy! Hope you enjoyed the Giggle Monster video from the other day. Doesn't Maddux have a great laugh? He did that for maybe 5-10 minutes straight - he thinks his daddy is hilarious!! I especially love that video, because it's not just the milestones we need to stop and capture, but also those silly moments filled with joy that come to us out of the blue!!
In the past month, Maddux has hit some milestones, however. He has TWO toofers, he can flip back and forth off his belly to back (he has been able to do belly to back on occasion for about a month but he "mastered" it this past weekend). He also likes to give his daddy high fives! He also is pushing up his legs when he's on his belly, pushing with his arms and managing to go backwards and around in circles. I have a feeling it won't be long and he'll figure this crawling thing out. He also likes to "stand" with our help, and I think he's going to be itching to walk early too...that's my prediction anyway. I know our backs and arms could use the break! (Although, to maintain my strength I'll have to start lifting weights again!!)
As always, Maddux keeps us on our toes and entertained!
He really enjoys splashing around and playing during bath time. Yes, he gets to take his baths in mommy and daddy's whirlpool tub!!

He stayed in so long, his toes shriveled up!!

In early February, we went to McKenzie's birthday party at the Ramkota hotel. This was Maddux's 2nd experience trying out "swimming". The first time, on New Year's Eve, did not go so well! This time, he was more curious aout the water and actually didn't scream/cry!!

With Gramma Sandy and McKenzie:

With Papa Ron who likes to play "sack of flour" with him - Maddux seems to enjoy it as well!!
Our sweet 8-month old:
Playing Peek-a-Boo with Daddy!!
When he is done playign with toys, he just pushes them away from him, like in this picture:
Showing off the two toofers (and some carrot remants on his face, apparently):
Our little Valentine:

As for Jay and me, we have been keeping busy with work. I've gotten some scrapbooking time in, continue to play v-ball and have recently gotten back into running more. I'm hoping to run a half-marathon in May with my brother!! He's ahead of me in training rignt now, but I have almost 3 months to get in the long distance miles.

As for Jay and me, we have been keeping busy with work. I've gotten some scrapbooking time in, continue to play v-ball and have recently gotten back into running more. I'm hoping to run a half-marathon in May with my brother!! He's ahead of me in training rignt now, but I have almost 3 months to get in the long distance miles.
Jay has gotten out ice-fishing a few times - not much luck - but I think he has fun. We are the proud new owners of Ran's old snowmobile which Jay will likely put to use quite a bit! I may have to try it out sometime too ;)
The beagles are doign pretty well - they have had a few minor injuries this winter, but nothing serious. They also have recently added green beans to part of their diet, in hopes of cutting back a few pounds from both of their current weights!! Once the weather turns nicer, we'll try to get them (and Maddux) outside as much as possible. I'm so anxious for Spring and Summer to arrive once again!!
We continue to enjoy our life and journey as a family!! God is good!
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