Not much going on with Jay & me. We finally got our Christmas decorations and tree up on Sunday. And yes, the tree takes up a good portion of the living room, so we had to rearrange. Hopefully next year at this time we'll be putting up Christmas decorations and our tree up in an actual HOUSE!! We're getting very anxious (at least I am) to move on from the trailer!!
On another note, I FINALLY was beaten at a game - the game of LIFE of all things. Yes, Lyndsey beat me this weekend at LIFE when we were over at their place Saturday night. I am chalking it up to questionable accounting on her part! ;) Jay and I did manage to squeak out a victory in "Cranium" though. Yes, that was our crazy Saturday night! It was fun and I'm sorry there are no pictures (or video) because it got a little out of hand toward the end (in a good, funny way)! Anyway thanks to Lyns and Nick for having us over!
We're looking forward to this weekend (yes I realize it's only Tuesday) and the big Sioux/Gophers hockey rivalry Friday and Saturday. Go Sioux! The next weekend kicks off the Christmas party season for us and then it's going to be the holidays already!! Time is flying by!
We hope everyone is having a great week!
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