Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Back in Action
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
Syd (not a real big fan of our puppies yet) playing it safe up on the counter...Payton & Kenzie joined her for this pic:
We all went to the mall for lunch and to shop a bit afterward...and later that evening we all met up at Chris & Val's (the guys too) for brats, hot dogs, burgers, etc. Good times! :)
Monday I tackled mowing both my parents' lawn and our own lawn...besides that we were pretty lazy on Monday - but hey that's what holidays are for, right? (Wait - I better mention that Jay went into work and also did the dishes on Monday - so I don't get in trouble - haha!) We did make my last Sociale dinner (pork tenderloin) so I'm thinking either I have to host a Sociale event or someone else should SOON...(hint, hint)...
It was a wonderful long weekend - just what I needed! I'm SO looking forward to taking a WEEK off in late June/early July.
Today it was back to work...but I felt rested and ready to pick up where I had left off Friday at noon. However, my desk went from organized to messy in about 5 minutes of being at work!
For another house of today, they have poured the concrete slab in the garage... And in the basement...
Jay mentioned possibly playing some bean bag toss in our basement this weekend - anyone up for that? Haha!!
I will get really excited once the framing and sheeting start happening...Until then, we're happy just to see progress!
Have a great rest of the week everyone! And - bring on summer!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Two Years Later...
Some things have changed quite a bit from then and some things are still the same (meaning, we still live in our "camper" as my Grandma Gerhardt calls our trailer)...
What's happened over the last two years...
We went from having one beagle - the one and only Jerz (a.k.a. "Big Mama")....
To having TWO beagles - with the addition of our little Bailey (a.k.a. "Little Bails"/"Little Squirt"/"Little Tank") to our family in October 2006...
We began paying our lot in December 2006....
We went on our honeymoon in Jamaica in January 2007...and LOVED it...
I passed the ND Bar Exam in February 2007..and was sworn in at the ND Supreme Court in May 2007...
Jay turned 30 and we had a great time celebrating it out at Lake Tschida with Jay's family and some friends...
We paid off our lot by January 1 of this year...
And began the process of getting our future home built in January as well...
I turned 30 in February and celebrated with family and friends at the bowling alley...
And in between all of that we have spent many other good times with family and friends and each other over the last couple of years...holidays, birthday parties, road races, softball games and tournaments, some mini vacations, some evenings just hanging out, grilling and playing lawn games, or watching games or movies, going to weddings, going to sporting events...and doing many other things...Through all of that, some of our favorite times are the evenings we spend "laying low" and just watching shows we have DVR'd or watching movies together, ordering pizza and just vegging out. (Which we are doing tonight, coincidentally).
It's been a good two years...not to say there haven't been ups and downs...some challenges along the way. But I wouldn't trade a second of it for anything!
We know that the years we have ahead of us together will bring many more great things...and some more challenges...but while we do look forward we also can look at each other in the present and know that our life together is good...and that we are very blessed!
Two years down...and, God willing - many, many more to go!
Have a great week everyone!
PS - Thanks to Payton & Sydney for taking us out on their boat on Sunday!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Stacy!!
Dirt Work
A view from the back (south) side looking north. As you can see, they started to flatten out the area for the walkout which is great! We wanted a nice flat area back there:
Tonight I went out there as well (at Jay's request - you know those engineers are interested in dirt work!) This is a view to the SW where you can see they really flattened that area out. They still have some work to do yet on that side...(Where the bump-out is will be sliding patio doors off the family room with windows on either side).
They also poured the concrete for the front portion of what will be our front porch (on the right side of the picture).
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Whirlwind Week
View from the SW corner (as you can see, it will be a walkout basement).
I'll leave you with this picture I got of the beagles on Sunday morning...
That's about all for now...I think we're heading to GU for the day on Saturday this coming weekend. Softball league starts for me this Thursday. Jay's at his team's practice right now - so the beagles and I are going to catch up on some Days episodes we DVR'd! :)
Have a great rest of the week and weekend!!