Well...what a weekend we had! My weekend got off to an early start because I was able to comp hours and leave work by noon on Friday! :) Friday evening we celebrated our 2nd anniversary a few days late. We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday (thanks Tom & Candace for the gift card that paid for most of our meal)...the food and service was great. We took a quick trip out to the house (I guess we don't just call it a "lot" anymore). They had done plumbing and some more rough dirt work.
Saturday was one of our most productive days in a long time! Jay went to work for a few hours and I got started cleaning and organizing at the trailer while he was gone...when he got home we both got into full spring cleaning mode. It was quite impressive! ;) Although it helped that the weather was rainy, windy and cold that day...
Saturday evening we went to Rockin 50s for the 2-for-1 burger baskets that we (I) love so much. (Yes, Val W. - we are pretty much single-handedly keeping that place open). Then we went up to the Country Inn Suites where Mike & Carrie were with the kids...once the storm appeared to be headed our way, we rushed home to get my mom's flowers out of harm's way (I swear, it hails every time my parents leave town and leave me in charge of their house). Well...we didn't get any hail...but didn't want to take any chances with my luck!
Sunday Jay, Chris and Mike went fishing and came home with.....ZERO fish. While they were gone fishing, I had some visitors at the trailer...
Bailey (!) actually letting Michaela and Mason pet her!
Jerz lovin' all the attention from Kenzie, Mason & Michaela..

Syd (not a real big fan of our puppies yet) playing it safe up on the counter...Payton & Kenzie joined her for this pic:
We all went to the mall for lunch and to shop a bit afterward...and later that evening we all met up at Chris & Val's (the guys too) for brats, hot dogs, burgers, etc. Good times! :)
Monday I tackled mowing both my parents' lawn and our own lawn...besides that we were pretty lazy on Monday - but hey that's what holidays are for, right? (Wait - I better mention that Jay went into work and also did the dishes on Monday - so I don't get in trouble - haha!) We did make my last Sociale dinner (pork tenderloin) so I'm thinking either I have to host a Sociale event or someone else should SOON...(hint, hint)...
It was a wonderful long weekend - just what I needed! I'm SO looking forward to taking a WEEK off in late June/early July.
Today it was back to work...but I felt rested and ready to pick up where I had left off Friday at noon. However, my desk went from organized to messy in about 5 minutes of being at work!
For another house update...as of today, they have poured the concrete slab in the garage...
And in the basement...

Jay mentioned possibly playing some bean bag toss in our basement this weekend - anyone up for that? Haha!!
I will get really excited once the framing and sheeting start happening...Until then, we're happy just to see progress!
Have a great rest of the week everyone! And - bring on summer!
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