Well the frigid cold weather gave us a reprieve the past couple of days which has added to Spring Fever. Fortunately, spring is inching closer...I can see it right around the bend...
Since the last post, we've been pretty busy...Jay and I started Jerz on a treadmill regimen last week. Actually Jay got her going. We both tried the same with Bailey - however, that whole experience was pretty traumatic for her so we stopped trying to make her do it. On the other hand, Jerz seems to like it, as you can see in this picture:
Here are some of the pictures of their recent snuggling:

The girls hanging out:

The guys shootin' the breeze:

The spread:

Last Thursday marked my 31st birthday. I ended up taking the afternoon off of work, going to lunch and shopping with my mom, going to the salon for some highlights and a haircut, and doing some more shopping. I wrapped up the day by going to supper with Jay and taking a nice warm bath in the whirlpool tub! So, despite the very cold weather that day, I managed to really enjoy it.
Friday evening we had Nick & Lyndsey and Chris & Val and the girls out to the house, which was fun! It's so much fun being able to have people at our house after years of us living in apartments and the trailer.
Saturday night we went over to Brian & Val's for what has turned into our annual Carribean dinner party. This year we expanded it to 5 couples and kids - last year it was just Brian & Val and Jay & me.
Jay & I after dinner. Either I ate too much or there's a growing baby boy in my belly! :)

The girls hanging out:

The guys shootin' the breeze:

The spread:
Caribbean Jerk Chicken
Coconut Shrimp
Mango Rice
Coconut Rice & Beans
Crab Cakes
Fruit Kabobs
Fruit Pizza
Caribbean Rum Cake
Chips and Homemade Salsa
Pina Coladas and Dacquiries (regular and N/A)
The food was awesome and it was a really fun night - much more fun than going out! Plus we were able to "escape" somewhere tropical during the cold weather even if it was only in spirit! Thanks to Brian and Val for hosting again and we hope to continue the tradition next winter!
Sunday we had a pretty lazy day except for church and then later that evening we had my parents, Tom and Grandma out for cake & ice cream. It's pretty much tradition in our family to have at least cake & ice cream in honor of everyone's birthdays - even the adults! Again - fun to have people over!
Tuesday I hosted a Sociale girls' night party where we made some great meals that will be ready to pop in the oven - which is the best part in my opinion. Well, that and the fact that the ladies at Sociale do all the clean-up for us after we make our meals! :)
This evening we babysat Taylor, Landon and Alexis while Ran & Julie went out to eat for their 9th wedding anniversary. The kids are a lot of fun - we had some pizza and watched a movie and of course played with the dogs.
Tomorrow is Payton & Sydney's 5th birthday and we'll be going to their house for the birthday party on Saturday evening this coming weekend. Not sure what else we'll be up to but I'm sure we'll continue to work on organizing things in the house and hopefully will find time for some R&R.
I'm at about 25 and a half weeks right now in the pregnancy. The baby is probably about 1 1/2 pounds and I believe around 13-14 inches long head to toe. This week the baby starts practicing breathing through his nose. His hands are completely developed and he practices grasping things. He continues to move around quite a bit and I continue to enjoy that. I again can't complain - I have been feeling really well except some occasional heartburn/indigestion and mild back pain. I continue to try to exercise to help alleviate some pain and to say strong and healthy as much as possible. It is getting a bit more difficult, however! ;)
Yet another picture of the beagles snuggling up together to leave you with...
Yet another picture of the beagles snuggling up together to leave you with...
Until next time...stay warm and happy. We are looking forward to the spring thaw, whenever it arrives!
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