Another fun weekend....
Friday after work Jay was at a going-away party for a co-worker...and I met some friends out after work...It was a fun night!
Missy, Dannette, Heidi, Morgan and Me out on the town!
Saturday Jay went back to the farm along with Chris, Ran, Nick to help out with cattle...I know they worked hard - Jay was wrecked when he got home. Jay said they went through about 200 cows and 200 calves...He can correct me if I'm wrong...
Tom & I got out for a run on Saturday afternoon. Though it was only about 75-80 degrees out we both agreed that we aren't quite used to the warm weather. We made it about 4 miles with a couple water breaks...we decided to stay in town and run together although we had thought about going to Medora for the Bully Run. We ran in the first one last July and it was fun...but with the cost of the race entry and the cost of gas...we decided just meeting here to run together might be a better idea!
After that, we had Landon's 4th birthday party at Ran & Julie's. Here are some pictures from the party:
Landon blowing out his candles - note the baseball cake Julie made!
Landon opening some presents.
Tonight we went out to the house to see what progress was accomplished with the framing that they started today. We were pretty surprised to see so much had gotten done in one day!! Here are some new pictures!
A sneak peak at the room that will eventually become the most crucial part of Jay's future "man cave" - the future home theater room:
If the weather cooperates we may be painting the exterior of the trailer and the deck this weekend...Wanted to get that done before we move out. Other than that, we've got some birthdays coming up - both friends and family members!
Well I'm going to call it a night...There is actually a nice soft rainfall that makes it seem quite peaceful around here...Hope you all enjoy the pictures & have a great week!
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