Well it's 5:00 on Sunday evening and Jay & I have accomplished quite a bit in the last 48+ hours!!
Friday afternoon I got my summer hours off from work and got some shopping done for my parents' upcoming 40th anniversary party (this Saturday). We still have things to do but we have a good start!
Friday evening we got in some miniature golf with Lyndsey & Nick. It was fun but they beat us! (I'm going to blame it on Nick's "rules" and Lyndsey's score-keeping!!) We also spent some time listening to a band with them over at the Oar afterwards...It was a beautiful evening to sit outside & unwind after a busy week!
Saturday morning we decided we were going to get some work done around the trailer. We wanted to stop at the house first, so we drove out there after we wok up. Nothing new was done (just some more sanding, etc on the interior walls). So, we went to Chris & Val's to pick up their ladder so we could paint the exterior of the trailer & the deck. Well by the time we got started it was late morning. We got the most difficult and time-consuming part done Saturday - and during a very HOT part of the day!! I also got a bunch of boxes packed up on Saturday so we can clear out the trailer to sell it soon. (Can you tell we're getting a bit anxious to move?)
Saturday evening was Val Weigel's 30th birthday party at their house - what a fun time! Definitely what we needed after a day of hard work!
Today we got up and started painting a little earlier than we did yesterday. What started as a plan to just do the front ended up being painting pretty much the whole thing. We got it done by 1:30 and avoided much of the really ugly heat! It looks MUCH better and we are so glad to have that out of the way!
After we got done, I went to an open house up in our soon-to-be subdivision. I decided since I was up there that I would stop at the house. Much to my surprise, they had done the first coat of primer on all the interior walls. Here are some pictures:
Kitchen/dining room area from the living room
We are currently unwinding (a/k/a holding the couches down). The beagles are napping - they had a rough weekend barking at us outside as we painted!
There should be some new stuff happening with the house this week so I will post more pictures hopefully by the weekend. Mom & Dad's anniversary party will be on Saturday afternoon/evening - should be fun!
Have a great week everyone!!
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