Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Team BLUE!

Here are pictures from our ultrasound today. We are having a boy!
I think he's trying really hard to give a thumb's up to us but his little hand got stuck. In the two previous ultrasounds he had his hand/thumb up as well. He gets this from Daddy! We ran across a baby picture of Jay the other day where he's sitting with a thumb's up too! :)
Legs & Feet

His little face. He decided to cooperate and look at us this time instead of hiding his face!
We are just over 20 weeks along - or about halfway through. I have started to feel the baby moving more lately. If you've seen me lately I'm starting to look a little more "poofy" as my mother so lovingly puts it! ;) Jay likes to call my stomach my "boiler" - he's so hilarious!

Have a great week everyone!!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Did Jay get the thumbs up from the Fonz?

The six shooters came from Yosemite Sam I believe.

