So...famous last words on Friday were that Jay and I didn't have anything planned for the weekend - we were looking forward to catching up on some shows we had DVR'd, doing a few things around the house, going to church/out to eat and enjoying the milder weather.
So much for that!
While the weather is indeed milder temperature-wise the winds have been blowing like crazy since later last evening. When we woke up this morning, it was apparent we weren't going anywhere for awhile! (We could have a new idea for those Snickers commercials). We really should have taken pictures prior to Jay's marathon snowblowing effort (approximately 4 and a half hours). It's hard to explain but the whole driveway was filled in and not only that but also our street.
Here are some pictures post-snowblowing (and also after some of our kind neighbors helped out with their Bobcats to dig out at least enough for us to get out of the end of the driveway with a vehicle):
Looking from our garage north. About as high as those snow piles are at the end of the driveway was how deep the snow had blown in.

Looking at our house from the street:

Looking west down our street. As you can see, the guys with the Bobcats dug out at least enough for vehicles to pass. This was filled in all the way across this morning.

Same story, but looking east:
That big drift basically extended out all the way across the driveway.

Closer up photo. The new stuff blew in while Jay was snowblowing further out in the driveway:

Closer up photo. The new stuff blew in while Jay was snowblowing further out in the driveway:
Jay worked his tail off and again we're grateful that our new neighbors stepped up for us again and helped with their Bobcats. They are also to be thanked for going around the neighborhood to plow out at least enough snow so that vehicles could get in and out of the subdivision.
The winds are supposed to continue until about 6:00am tomorrow so Jay went back out this evening for an hour or so and is currently trying to get rid of a bit more snow so it doesn't pile up so high again.
So I didn't feel completely useless, I decided to clean while Jay was outside and also kept the dogs from going absolutely bonkers.
We did manage to make it out of the house to go to church and to Space Aliens for supper. Once we got back, Jay bit the bullet and as I mentioned is out snowblowing for awhile again tonight to minimize the damage as much as possible tonight so he doesn't have to spend as much time tomorrow...hopefully!
Other than that, the beagles are snoozing away (today was exhausting for them apparently). Baby is still growing and I still think I'm feeling some little flutters of movements. This morning I felt a couple pretty distinctive little taps a little below my belly button. We're at 19 weeks now. Almost halfway there!
Tomorrow hopefully the wind will die down and we will actually get to enjoy the milder temps! Starting to think we're still going to have snow by the time the baby arrives in June at this rate!
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