Hello - this is Maddux checking in. I'm now over 2 months old! And I remain a busy boy!!
First, we'll start with a funny story - sometimes I'm up to no good - just like a little boy should be! Mommy and Daddy decided I needed a bath on Sunday evening (actually have been doing this every other night now). Mommy was running the bath water into my little baby tub and Daddy got me undressed and was holding me until the bath was ready. Well...I decided to fart - BARE BUTT - right on Daddy as he was holding me! Not only that - but I proceeded to smile about it because I was so proud and even let out a little giggle! Mommy and Daddy laughed pretty hard at that one and decided that's going to be a classic story for years to come!
Next, I had my 2 month-checkup on Tuesday of this week. I am really not a big fan of the doctor usually (who likes to be poked and prodded anyway?) This week was especially horrible though, because I got my first round of immunizations (besides the one I got while I was still in the hospital). As soon as the nurse pricked me with the first needle I was screaming my head off! And, I bled from all 3 spots!! :( Talk about a BAD day for a baby! Mommy was sad too! I slept a lot that night but had a rough day at daycare the next day. I seem to be doing much better today/this evening though, so we think I got through it with just some mild side effects - mild fever, achiness and it upset my tummy a bit. I think I heard rumors that I get more of these stupid shots 2 months from now - but for now, I'm back to my normal self!
MY STATS AT 2 MONTHS: 15 lbs 5 oz and 24 3/4" length (yes a 1/4" inch shorter than at Well Baby clinic last week - we'll just round up to 25 inches!) I'm in the 95th percentile for length, 90th for head circumference, and basically off the charts in weight. (Mommy and Daddy think I'm off the charts in the cheek department too - but that is not an official measurement!)
Other than that, I do very well at daycare and I have quite a few new friends there. The other babies that are under a year old are the other boy, Micah, and two girls - Bayli and Camdyn. There are a few older kids too - but some of them will be going off to school next week, including the daycare helper, Jadyn.
Last week Shelley was out of town Wednesday-Friday so I got to spend time during the days with Papa Ron, Gramma Joyce and Gramma Sandy. I had fun with them all and I think they had fun with me too!!
This past weekend we mostly hung out at home - Mommy and Daddy said something about needing to get caught up on sleep - I had a couple rough sleeping nights Wednesday and Thursday nights, but was better by Friday night.
Monday evening we went to Mommy's friend Val's house for her birthday - where they had cake and ice cream. I can't wait until I can enjoy those as well! :)
Mommy and Daddy are done with softball so I get both of them in the evenings all week until Mommy starts volleyball league mid-September. But that's only one evening a week and for a shorter time than softball!
Finally, one of Mommy's other friends, Sara Ness, had a baby boy today - named Sam Michael. We hope to go visit them and meet Sam this weekend - and I'm excited to have another new buddy to run around with soon!
Here are some pictures from the last week or two...

I am now fascinated by the bee toy on my swing and I will grab for it and stare at it - talk to it and smile at it!

Won't be long until I outgrow this toy too!

I'm a "little tough guy" as my outfit says!

We don't have too much planned for this weekend - maybe hang out with some friends, meet my new buddy Sam, going to church and to a benefit for the Berger babies (quadruplets that were born to Mommy and Daddy's friends), and just some other odds and ends.
We hope everyone has a great weekend!
Until next time, this is Maddux John, signing off for the evening. I need to get to bed!! :)
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