Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 10

A few pictures from week 10 of Maddux's life:
The baby bear hug for Daddy when I take a nap with him!

I now have a habit of blowing spit bubbles!

Still fascinated by the bee toy on my swing!

Hangin' in the crib after a bath:

There's that awesome smile!

And still enjoying the monkeys in the Pack and Play - this is where I enjoy what Mommy and Daddy call "wiggle time" each day:

PS if you look close - those are Denver Broncos booties we received as a gift!

Maddux's stats as of Week 10:

16 lbs 9 oz

Approx. 25" long

Besides getting on the news (on a preview to the Berger Benefit story), it has been a pretty uneventful week for me. I have been battling a stuffy nose since last Friday but no more fever or anything. I am sleeping somewhat better, but I still get up at least once, if not twice per night.

That's all for now!!

See ya later, gators!

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