Hey it's Maddux again - just a few pictures from this past week.
Checking Dad out:

First day going to daycare...I am a cool customer when it comes to daycare but Mommy had a few tears after dropping me off that day. She also has been "hogging" me (Daddy's word for it) in the evenings - I think she misses me during the day!

Daddy and I with matching mohawks (Daddy let his friends do his mohawk for his state softball tourney):

Me and Jerz hanging out on the couch together again:
I continue to gain weight at record pace - I am up to 14 lbs 10 oz as of Wednesday's Well Baby Clinic (at 7 weeks old)! I smile more and more everyday. One of these days Mommy will capture a big cheesy smile of mine on camera - that is, if I let her! I also continue to make lots of new sounds as I try out my voice! So far sounds that have come out (that sound like actual words) have been "ma", "elmo" and "oh." Daddy insists that my first word was "elmo" - haha! We'll just pretend I'm that advanced and that it was on purpose!
I am a big hit at daycare - the kids there have nicknamed me "Max" - not sure on that, but we'll let them do it at daycare I guess! Other than that, all the older kids love me and so does the daycare lady Shelley and her helper for the summer, Jadyn. But really, what's not to love? ;)
Last night Mommy, Daddy and I went to a neighborhood potluck supper where we got to meet almost everyone who lives around our "loop" - there sure are lots of kids! Most of them are older than me, but there is a 2-week old boy named Jackson that lives just a few houses down from us - so that might spell trouble with us two rollin' with each other in the future! Haha!
Sunday evening we had supper at Papa and Gramma Gerhardt's house - Micaela, Gabe and Riley couldn't believe how big I've gotten - it had been a couple weeks since they had seen me. With me, if you miss even a week - you miss a LOT of growing!
Not much else notable going on at our household...so, until next time, peace out!
Maddux John
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